Friday, June 7, 2024

The Slave of God


I pray thee to grace my mind,

Oh Sovereign Slave of God! 

The Queen without a kingdom 

who stands above the world!


 Her eyes are eyes of sorrow

for she knows of love and loss

She bears the savior of the world

and sees Him bear His cross.


Born but human, yes like me

she was fearless in her faith,

where generals, kings and prophets quaked

only exempt is the gentle maid

from the angel's cry "Fear Not!"


Where the proud centurion

would dare not command Our Lord

 She pulls Him aside for a wedding's wine

Ignores His protests of predestined times

And bids the servants obey His word.

A little tender woman in a harsh and cruel world,

Twas not her lot to be wise and divine, 

no, still human in her heart and mind

her glory is in her words sublime:

"He will do with me as He wills."

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Man God

 I remember sitting on the last train of the evening

that pulled sluggishly from the city towards midnight

and watching with interest the girls in the car

who wore black leather jackets and not much else


until I understood that this girl of seventeen

was crying about what a coward had done to her 

in the public of a party

and her drunken friends shouted that she should not pity herself

because all men were swine and this was but a ritual

while her father called her unanswered phone.


I felt sick and turned my shameful eyes

and saw the devil sitting one row behind

and heard his whisper as he leaned over the seat:

"these pretty girls belong to me"

So I traveled far to where grim men stand

beneath the red flags of war

where the sweat drips free and the rifles clack

and I could stand with a straightened back

for honor was not no more.

But the devil was there-

where else would he be?

And he smiled and licked his long yellow teeth

and drank down their souls that they gave him for free

for pride is its own form of slavery.

So I was lost, for both glory and shame 

are just branching paths whose ends are the same

For the strong and the weak, the blind and the lame

the devil gets them all.


So I drank and I lusted and I cursed and I cried

And I toyed with the pistol that hung at my side

and I dreamed of a fire that never would die.

But one day in city of plastic and trash

Helping a pregnant sister move past,

she pulled me into a chapel of mossy old bricks

that was dim in the daylight and glimmered with gold-

From the halos of fools two thousand years old. 

They looked at me with eyes both grave and kind

They saw my anger, and my hurt little pride

And for the first time in my life,

I felt warm inside.

They called me to suffer, they called me to die.

To leave my wants and desires behind.

They just sang in their chants to my heart, not my mind,

and this is the best that I could later transcribe:

Come and drink the blood of the Man-God,

that was poured out for those girls on the train

Come and eat the flesh of the Man-God,

that was broken for those boys in their pain

Come and and die with the Man-God,

who tramples on Death and Shame

Come and Live with the Man-God

who forever in glory shall reign.


So come all you beggars, you bastards and kings

you harlots and spinsters with arms wrapped in slings

Hell has been plundered, join me and sing

to the Man-God who offers us a far better thing





Saturday, March 23, 2024

Five Hundred Hours of Midnight


Five hundred hours of midnight 

Would not count my paces ere the dawn

Back and forth I walk and wonder

How God will tear the sky asunder

Rend the storm and come down. 

Stand, you weak-kneed children of commerce

Find your fire and stand! 

If not here, backs to the last patch of daylight, 

Facing the oncoming sheet of midnight

If not now, then where?

Your fathers were fat and lazy cowards

Who hesitantly raised a flag against the world

And stood, with scowls at their own achievement

Humbled emperors in their raiment

Laid low the mighty in their hour in heaps untold

But for all their failings; greed, avarice and shame, 

They clasped their swords with hands unyielding

Fought and lost and were sent reeling

And fought again and won, this little land

And we who eat from vineyards we did not tend to

And fields we did not sow

Now found again where they left it:

A rusty sword, a defunct musket

And the call to march, and stand!

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Girl with the Shy Smile

Around the new years, when I was beginning to think that beauty was something we invented to survive as a species, a young woman crept up on me without warning and taped this poem to a hole in my sleeve. I wasn't able to get her name, but I think I will recognize her if I see her again, by the way she smiles. 

Her eyes are clear like crystal,

Her brows are straight and true,

Her lips are as full as the summer moon,

and as soft as the summer dew. 

She wears a shirt of satin, 

and a jacket of dark green,

and she walks beneath the shadowed trees

wherever a star is seen. 


I dreamt that I walked with her,

and she whispered words to me,

words of love and longing, 

of faith and loyalty.


I woke then and I wept then, 

that she was not in my arms,

but still I know she walks alone,

in my dreams and in my heart.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Beneath a Star in Bethlehem

While traveling in the east, I was received by some good people who insisted that even though I had just celebrated Christmas, it was actually time to celebrate the birth of our Lord a second time two weeks later. Since they were providing cookies and cake, I obliged them. I even got this poem as a gift from a mysterious figure calling himself 'Father Frost'.


Beneath a star in Bethlehem,
A king is born tonight
To lift the weight of all the world
A babe sleeps sound and tight.

Beneath a humble stable roof
A Virgin mourns her birth
Her son has come to bleed and die,
To bear a cross and tear the sky,
And bring heaven down to earth.

Above the stars of Bethlehem,
The angels sing for joy
Let shepherds quake and kings bow down,
The gates of hell shake at the sound,
Of this sleeping baby boy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Up until this morning

Up until this morning, 
My entire life along, 
I told myself I could be trusted
and it was the others who were wrong. 

I divided the people in my heart,
the bad on the left, the good on the right, 
The good to be trusted and welcomed, 
the bad to be turned out to the night. 

And lo and behold, 
Though the years took their toll my face, 
the list of the bad got longer, 
and the pain I could not erase. 

And lo and behold, 
I was struck with the guilt of my sin, 
I had kept my brother out, 
and let the devil in. 

Because I made hatred my armor
and rage the sword in my hand,
I had rejected the cross of my savior,
and spat at His outstretched hand.

I had looked at people as objects, 
I had scorned the kingdom of God, 
I had schemed to be Captain and Master
to seize fortune and glory abroad, 

To spend my whole life running
From the Man with the blood-red hands
Who was killed and then conquers and calls us
To let go of our wretched plans

And give all the fear and anger, 
and the rage that burns in my heart
To the sky that is blue eternal 
and the wind that cries "Thou Art!" 

As far as the east is from the west,
so shall that bright sky blow
and carry away like a leaf on the wind
That list I had always known. 

And with every passing morning
when the sun rises with the day
Christ will be seen carrying 
my sins far and away

The man who was sleeping shall awaken
and the sinner who was dead shall die,
And the King who is alive within me, 
shall walk to The City in the Sky. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Poem for Wee Rascals

 I found this poem written with chalk on the concrete path leading up to someone's house. It was a sunny winter day, where it seemed that Persephone had broken out of Hades three months early and was dancing across the light blue cloud-scudded sky. As such, I did not mind walking down this path to read the poem. Since it was written with chalk, I figured somebody ought to copy it down before the  elements blissfully washed away any proof of it ever having been there at all. 

A Poem for Wee Rascals

No need to stab at me with your swords;

Keep them within the velvet sheath of thy paw;

One look from you, no words;

and my heart is pierced with gentleness and awe.